Catalog of Prosomoia (Podobny) for Stichera in the Eight Tones
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
This is a catalog of all known Stichera Automela, whether we possess actual
music for these melodies or if we only know of their names. Although it would
probably be wiser to start from the Greek tradition and compare the Church Slavonic
tradition, the majority of participants in this project are more familiar with
church music derived from the Slavic Orthodox world, and so this project attempts
to list all the known Slavic Podobny as a point of departure for the study of
this genre of melodies.
This catalog was compiled by Nikita Simmons and Stephen Reynolds. Most of this
information has been derived from our own independent research, but occasionally
we learned new information from other members of the Podoben, Typicon, Ustav
and Prostopinije Yahoo groups. (If you, the reader, have any additional information
to add, please feel free to e-mail Nikita at, and I will
be happy to include your name and any contributed information. The more people
who participate in this project, the more information we can make available
to other Orthodox church musicians and musicologists.)
The following scheme is how the Podobny will be presented:
- SLAVONIC NAME(S): (including textual variations). Names in RED
indicate melodies in the common repoertoire (and found in most collections).
- GREEK: Original Greek name (transliterated into Latin characters)
- ENGLISH: Translation of name into English
- ORIGIN: Regular text designates the Automelon/Samopodoben;
italic text designates known Prosomoion/Podoben references
for which there is a reference to an original, but the original has
not been identified. If there only a few (but notable) occurances
of the Podobny, these may be listed, but this is not meant to be a
complete list.
- SOURCES: References to printed or manuscript sources of notated
music. Note that collections are sometimes called Pobodniki.
- NOTES: Miscellaneous information uncovered in the process
of research. Names of known contributors will be designated in [brackets].
- Древле Моисею
- Иже древле Моисею
- Егоже древле Моисей
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: He who of old spake unto Moses
- ORIGIN: August 6 (Transfiguration), Great Vespers, Apostichon
- NOTES: Locating this will be a challenge; it is not in the
usual collections.
- Небесныхъ чиновъ радованiе
- Небеснымъ чиномъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Joy of the heavenly host; or: Of the arrays of the Heavens
- Прехвальніи мученицы
- Всехвальніи мученицы
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: O all-lauded Martyrs
- ORIGIN: It is a martyricon of the Aposticha of Vespers of
the Octoechos in the First Tone for Thursday. The text can be found
in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Pentecostarion on page
- SOURCES: Solovetskii
Obikhod, Prostopinije,
Lavra (Glinsk Hermitage melody), Bulgarian
- NOTES: Numerous sources (this a standard melody that is frequently
- Облакъ тя света
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Found in the Octoechos, as the Apostichon theotokion
of Small Vespers on Saturday evening. (See also the concluding Vespers
for the 5th Sunday of Lent.)
- NOTES: This is not a usual item in the podobniki. It will
not be easy to find.
- О дивнаго чудесе
- О дивное чудо
- GREEK: O tou paradoxou thaumatos
- ENGLISH: O most awesome wonder
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
- Ангелъ убо еже радуйся
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: An angel brought the joyful salutation (Before thy Conception,
O Lord)
- ORIGIN: Octoechos, Sunday Mattins, Lauds. / HTM Pentecostarion,
pages 129, 143-144, 152. Here too, HTM does not identify this as an
automelon. There are prosomia in the Triodion-Monday of the first
week of Lent-and on 29 February, the feast of St. John Cassian.
- NOTES: One of the occurances of this podoben is on the feast
of St. John Cassion, February 29. (The Carpatho-Rusyns have the story
that explains why St Nicholas has two feasts every year while St.
John Cassian's is celebrated only once in four years.)
- Благовествуетъ Гавриилъ благодатней днесь
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Gabriel today announces the good tidings to her that
is full of grace
- ORIGIN: Menaion, 24 March (Forefeast of Annunciation), Dogmatikon.
/ 25 March (Annunciation), Vigil, Great Compline, Litiia, Theotokion.
- NOTES: [Stephen]: I have seen this listed as an automelon
but so far have not been able to confirm it.
- Богозванный мученикъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Martyr called by God
- ORIGIN: 4 December (St Barbara); in the printed books there
is only one podoben, "Богосветная благодать", on Tuesday
of the fifth week of Lent.
- NOTES: [Nikita]: Stephen, I think you are discussing two
different podobny here?
- Всехъ превосходу
- Всехъ преидохъ
- Вся преиду
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Octoechos, Tuesday Mattins, Apostichon; there are
only two prosomia, in the Triodion on Tuesday of the first week in
- NOTES: [Stephen]: Nikita, you have this in the list under
Tone 6; is this perhaps one of those cases where some manuscripts
assign a piece to an authentic tone and others to the corresponding
plagal? [Nikita]: Stephen, I'll check on it.
- Да распнется вопияху
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Let him be crucified, cried they
- ORIGIN: Holy Saturday Mattins, Eighth Antiphon of the Passion,
second sticheron. There is a podoben on Wednesday of the third week
of Lent, "Пощениемъ Господи", and I think there are one
or two others somewhere.
- NOTES: Not in the podobniki, but it is found in sources that
include these Antiphons.
- Доме евфрафовъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: O house of Ephratha
- Егда отъ древа
- GREEK: Hote ek tou xulou se nekron
- ENGLISH: When he took Thee dead from off the tree; or: Joseph
of Arimathea
- ORIGIN: Holy Friday, Vespers; also the first sticheron of
the aposticha of the praises of the Saturday of the myrrh-bearers.
The text can be found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Pentecostarion
on page 152.
- SOURCES: Optina Hermitage,
Solovetskii Obikhod,
Lavra (Optina Hermitage melody)
- NOTES: Numerous sources (this a standard melody that is frequently
- Кіими похвальными венцы
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: With what crowns of praises
- О великаго таинства
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: O great mystery
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Saturday, Small Vespers, Kekragarion Dogmatikon.
/ (See Triodion: Cheesefare Sunday, 2nd (Forgiveness) Vespers; Thursday
Vespers, 1st week of Lent) / Pentecostarion: Sunday of the Myrrhbearers,
Small Vespers, Dogmatikon. There is only one prosomion in the printed
books, "О креста твоего", on Friday of the first week of
- NOTES: [Stephen]: I expect this is going to be hard to find.
- Паче ума даровъ
- Паче ума благихъ
- Иже паче ума
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Menaion, 5 December (St Sabbas), the Doxastikon of
the Litiia. The only prosomion in use today is "Постное время",
on Sunday evening of the first week of Lent.
- NOTES: --
- Просветителя нашего
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: The Forerunner beheld our Enlightenment
- ORIGIN: Menaion, January 6 (Theophany), Vespers, Kekragarion.
This is the first sticheron on 'Lord, I cry,' and the three following
are its prosomia. See also Thursday Vespers, 1st week of Lent. (The
two in the Triodion and the three on January 6 are the only prosomia.)
- SOURCES: Manuscript
Irmologia (Southwestern Rus) - 2 versions (NOTES)
- NOTES: Stephen wrote: Pretty rare, but I have it and will
upload a file before long.
- Содеянныхъ мною лютыхъ
- Содеянныхъ ми лютыхъ
- Содеянныхъ ми золъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: As I think of the grievous and unseemly deeds
- ORIGIN: Octoechos, Monday Mattins, Apostichon / Pentecostarion:
3rd Week (Myrrhbearers), Monday, Mattins, Lauds (see HTM Pentecostarion,
page 133). Again not recognized as an automelon; there is only one
prosomion, "Удержания пищу", on Wednesday of the first week
of Lent).
- NOTES: --
- Яко явися Христе
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: As thou hast revealed thyself, O Christ(?)
- ORIGIN: There are four prosomia in the Triodion, on Wednesday
and Thursday of the first week of Lent, and a fifth somewhere in the
- NOTES: The automelon has gone out of use and is not found
in the current liturgical books.
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
- Велія креста твоего
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Great is the power of thy Cross; or: O Lord, great is
the power
- ORIGIN: Aposticha of Sunday evening Vespers. OR: The third
sticheron of Vespers of Sunday evening of the Octoechos. (Well,
which is it?) The text can be found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's
Pentecostarion on page 207. (Can we get more specific?)
- SOURCES: L'viv
Irmologion of 1709
- NOTES: Numerous sources, Although this a standard melody
that is occasionally encountered, only about half the collections
have a melody for this podoben. It is a marginal part of the standard
repertoire of podobny, primarily because its melody is similar to
Great Znamenny Chant and is not so easily adapted to new texts.
- Велія мученицы твои
- Велія мученикъ твоихъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Great is the power of thy martyr(s)
- ORIGIN: HTM Pentecostarion page 183 (can we get more specific?)
- SOURCES: Bulgarian
- NOTES: This is not a usual item in the podobniki. It will
take some looking, I expect. It is quite possible that another variant
name is "Добліи мученицы" (listed below).
- Веліе чюдо, древо видится
- Веліе чудо
- Превелие чудо
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: O exceeding great wonder!
- ORIGIN: See the [2nd or 3rd] Sunday of Lent, concluding Vespers.
/ It is Monday of the fourth week of Lent, but I think that "Веліе
чюдо, древо видится" is the prosomion here, and the automelon
is the Dogmatikon of Small Vespers of the tone in the Octoechos; see
the HTM Pentecostarion, page 155.(This information is confusing
and needs to be clarified.)
- NOTES: HTM did not notice that this is an automelon; and
in fact the sticheron in the Triodion is the only known prosomion.
- Добліи мученицы
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Valiant martyrs
- ORIGIN:Menaion: December 23 (Cretan Martyrs)
- NOTES: This should not to be confused with "Яко добля
въ мученицехъ" (Tone 4). It is quite possible that this is a
variant name for "Велія мученицы твои" (listed above).
- Крестоявленое Моисей
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Moses stretched forth his hands in the form of a cross
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Wednesday and Friday, Mattins, Apostichon.
Two podobny on Tuesday of the fifth week of Lent, and a couple in
the Octoechos for the Vespers of Friday (that is, on Thursday evening);
and that is all. These samopodobny with a small number of podobny,
and those assigned to weekday services, are mostly unknown, understandably.
- NOTES: --
- Поставиша тридесять
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: They took thirty pieces of silver
- ORIGIN: Triodion: Holy Friday, Mattins (12 Gospels), Antiphon
9. Another of the automela from the Antiphons of the Passion. There
are two prosomia on Wednesday of the third week of Lent, and one on
Wednesday of the sixth week; no others in the printed books.
- NOTES: Steven writes: It is found in the same sources as
"Днесь бдитъ Iюда", discussed under Tone 2 (***Stephen,
do you mean Tone 7?). These podobny from the Antiphons of the Passion
all have the character of "Great Chant" melodies rather
than normal podobny.
- Прiидите вси
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Come, all ye ends of the earth
- ORIGIN: Menaion, 15 August (Dormition), Great Vespers, Litiia.
This is unusual, because the stichera assigned to the litiia are usually
idiomela (samoglasny). There is a podoben on Tuesday of the third
week of Lent, maybe a few others somewhere.
- NOTES: --
- Спаси мя, Господи Боже мой
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Save me, O Lord my God
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Monday and Thursday, Vespers, Apostichon.
/ Triodion: Sundays, Vespers, Kekragarion. / Pentecostarion: 4th Week
(Paralytic), Monday, Vespers, Apostichon.
- NOTES: --
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
- Господи, возшедъ на кресте
- Господи, возшедъ на крестъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: O Lord, when Thou didst ascend
- ORIGIN: The first sticheron of the Aposticha of the Resurrection
of vespers; see Mid-Pentecost; see also the 5th Sunday after Pascha.
The text can be found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Pentecostarion
on page 224.
- NOTES: --
- Далъ еси знаменіе боящимся тебе Господи
- Дастъ знаменіе
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Thou hast given a sign (unto them that fear Thee); or:
Unto them that fear Thee
- Званныи свыше
- Иже званыи свыше
- Свыше званный
- Свыше званъ бывъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Thou who wast called not by men; or: Thou who wast called
from above and not by men
- ORIGIN: June 29, service to the Apostles
- SOURCES: Optina Hermitage,
Lavra (Optina Hermitage melody), Bulgarian
Also found in Obikhod Tserkovnago Znamennago Peniia, published
in Ponto Grosso, Brazil, by the Old Believers in 1969. It is also
known from western Rus'; the Kievan Chant of Russian collections has
it, as do most of the usual Galician and Carpatho-Rusyn collections.
- NOTES: --
- Умнаго адаманта
- Разумнаго адаманта
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: The steely hardness of mind
- ORIGIN: Menaion: November 3 and April 23 (St George), Great
Vespers, Apostichon Doxastikon.
- NOTES: Is this a Tone 3 or 4 podoben?
- Хотехъ слезами омыти
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: With tears I wanted to wash away
- ORIGIN: Aposticha, Sunday evening Vespers; see also Thursday,
4th Week of Lent
- SOURCES: Solovetskii
Obikhod, Bulgarian
- NOTES: [Stephen]: Should be easy to locate this, since it's
a fairly common item in the podobniki. It is marginally part of the
common repertoire.
- Яко добля въ мученицехъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: As one valiant among the martyrs
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
TONE 5 (Plagal of Tone 1)
- Благодатная
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Triodion: Monday before Palm Sunday / Menaion: December
- NOTES: --
- Блажимъ тя, Богородице Дево
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Greek: Monday, Vespers, Apostichon Theotokion;
/ Slavonic: Thursday, Matins, Apostichon Theotokion
- NOTES: --
- Вечернее поклоненiе
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Evening worship we offer thee
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Sunday, Great Vespers, Kekragarion
- NOTES: [Stephen]: I have found reference to this as a samopodoben
but have not been able to verify it.
- Видящи тя тварь
- GREEK: ?
- NOTES: Gardner mentions this as an automelon without further
identifying it.
- Вострубимъ трубою песней
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Let us blow the trumpets of praise
- ORIGIN: 1) December 6 (St Nicholas), Matins, Doxastikon and
Theotokion on the Praises; see also Oct. 26.
2) January 30 (Three Hierarchs), at Matins, Doxasticon and Theotokion
on the Praises. [Stephen, you mentioned "Great Vespers on
the eve, Aposticha, Theotokion", but I don't think this is correct.]
3) July 5 (St Athanasius of Athos), Vespers on the eve, Litiia,
- NOTES: This is not common, but occurs in the Menaion section
of some manuscript Irmologia of Western Rus', occasionally even with
a noted podoben to accompany it. It is in Great Chant style (containing
several melismas), but in addition to the automelon a podoben is also
found with the same melody, indicating that it was used as a podoben
melody despite the stylistic incongruence. The text is quite lengthy
compared to most stichera.
- Господи при Моисеи
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Greek: Wednesday and Friday Mattins, Apostichon
/ Slavonic: Tuesday and Thursday Vespers, Apostichon. / The only prosomion
is found in the Triodion, on Tuesday of the sixth week of Lent.
- NOTES: --
- Господи, согрешая непрестаю
- Господи, согрешиша непрестаю
- Преподобный отче богоносе [имярекъ]
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Venerable father, God-bearing [Theodosius]
- ORIGIN: Monday and Wednesday, 1st week of Lent; 3rd (and/or
4th) Sunday of Lent / Menaion: January 11 (St Theodosius), Vespers
on the eve, kekragarion
- SOURCES: L'viv Irmologion
of 1709, Bulgarian
- NOTES: It's pretty common in the Podobnik chapter of the
Western Irmologia
- Преподобне отче
- GREEK: Osie pater theofore Theodosie
- ORIGIN: 1) Menaion: September 1 (St Symeon Stylites), Vespers
on the eve, Kekragarion.
2) January 22 (St Anastasios of Persia), Mattins, Apostichon.
3) "Преподобне отче, не далъ еси сна"
Menaion: November 7 (St Lazarus the Stylite), Vespers, Apostichon
January 20 (St Euthymios), Vespers, Apostichon Doxastikon*
General Menaion: Common of one venerable martyr, Kekragarion
Note that there are four different automela of Tone 5 that begin with
"Преподобне отче". This must have caused a deal of confusion,
mitigated only by the relative obscurity of the three immediately
- SOURCES: Byzantine Chant
(Greek text), Bulgarian
- NOTES: [Nikita]: I have detailed
notes from Stephen clarifying this confusing set of Podobny, but will
add them when I manage to locate them.
- Радуйся, живоносныи кресте
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Rejoice, life-bearing Cross; or: Hail! Life-giving Cross
- ORIGIN: Sept. 14, Great Vespers, Apostichon (see also the
next Podoben)
- SOURCES: Optina Hermitage,
Solovetskii Obikhod,
Lavra (Optina Hermitage melody)
- NOTES: When there is only the designation "Радуйся"
in the Slavonic books, this melody is usually intended, not the following
one. In reality, however, the melodies are one and the same. The original
automelon was the Apostichon of St Sabbas; for some reason, the Slavonic
chant books took its prosomion for the Exaltation of the Cross as
the model. Numerous sources (this a standard melody that is frequently
- Радуися постникомъ
- Радуися постниковъ
- Радуися постническихъ воистинну – Bulgarian
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Rejoice , true joy of ascetics
- ORIGIN: Dec. 5-St. Sabbas; see also May 11 / (see also the
previous entry)
- SOURCES: [Nikita]: I have this in a Bulgarian collection
in my library: Bulgarian
- NOTES: [Stephen]: If this is associated with Bulgaria, it
is probably because the Bulgarians follow Greek practice and the Greek
Typikon more closely than other Slavs, and are likely to have kept
this as the text of the model in chant books.
- Честными твоим крестом, Христе
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: By thy precious Cross, O Christ
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Sunday, Great Vespers, Kekragarion
- NOTES: [Stephen]: I have found reference to this as a samopodoben
but have not been able to verify it.
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
TONE 6 (Plagal of Tone 2)
- Ангельскіи предидите силы
- Ангельския предидутъ силы
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Go ye on before, O ye angelic powers
- ORIGIN: Menaion: December 20 (Forefeast of Nativity), Mattins,
Lauds. (See also Dec. 24 and Jan. 5)
- SOURCES: Unidentified
(found in Sputnik Psalomshchika), Another
(attibuted to an old manuscript in Trinty-Sergius Lavra), Trinity-Sergius
Lavra (another of the same)
- NOTES: This is not to be confused with the Troparion podoben
with a similar name: "Ангельскіи силы" (Resurrectional troparion).
This is a regular item in the podobniki.
- Ангельски воспоимъ
- Архангельски воспоимъ вернiи
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Theotokion on the Aposticha, Sunday evening Vespers;
also Sunday evening Vespers, 1st week of Lent.
- NOTES: [Stephen]: I don't find it in the first week of Lent;
this needs a bit of poking around. The only prosomion is found on
Friday of the fifth week of Lent.
- Вертепе уготовися
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Make ready, O cave, for the ewe-lamb cometh
- ORIGIN: Menaion: December 20 (Forefeast of Nativity) and,
in Greek use but not in Slavic, 24 (Eve of Nativity), Vespers on the
Eve, Apostichon Theotokion.
- NOTES: The authority for listing this as an automelon is
the Blagoveshchenskii Kondakar'. [Nikita]: But is this actually a
podoben? I have seen no other evidence.
- Воскресенiе Твое, Христе Спасе
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Thy Resurrection, O Christ Saviour
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Saturday evening, Great Vespers, Apostichon.
/ Pentecostarion: Pascha
- NOTES: --
- Все упованіе (возложь)
- Все возложше на небесехъ
- Все отложивше
- Все отложше
- Всю отложивше
- GREEK: Tin olin apothemeni
- ENGLISH: Having laid up all their hope (or: Having set all their
- ORIGIN: Menaion: November 1 and July 1 (Ss Cosmas and Damian),
Vespers on the eve: Kekragarion; perhaps Aug. 6 (Transfiguration)?
- SOURCES: Solovetskii
Obikhod, Prostopinije
(set in English for the Service of the Fathers), Trinity-Sergius
Lavra (Sedmiezero/Seven Lake Hermitage melody), Bulgarian
- NOTES: Numerous sources (this a standard melody that is frequently
- Вся прейду
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Monday Vespers, 1st week of Lent
- NOTES: [Stephen]: My sources assign this to Tone 2, where
I have listed it. [Nikita]: This is probably a case of confusion between
authentic and plagal Tones. I wonder which is correct?
- Господи, Лазарева гроба
- Господи, Лазаревъ гробъ
- Господи на гробъ (?)
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: O Lord, thou hast come to the tomb
- ORIGIN: Lazarus saturday; General service to the Lord
- NOTES: --
- Господь вознесыйся на небеса
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: The Lord was taken up into the heavens
- ORIGIN: Pentecostarion: Ascension, Great Vespers, Kekragarion;
Sunday after Ascension, Great Vespers, Kekragarion
- NOTES: --
- Днесь виситъ на древе
- Днесь повешаеся древе
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Today he that hung the earth upon the waters is hung
upon the Tree.
- ORIGIN: Triodion: Great Friday: Matins, 15th Antiphon of
the Passion
- NOTES: --
- Днесь созыватеъ насъ страстотерпица
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Menaion: October 26 (St Demetrius), Vespers, Kekragarion;
Mattins, Doxastikon after Ps. 50.
- NOTES: The Blagoveshchenskii Kondakar lists this as an automelon.
[Nikita]: But is this actually a podoben? I have seen no other evidence.
- Изъ чрева родился – Bulgarian
- Изъ чрева родися прежде денницы
- GREEK: ?
- SOURCES: [Nikita]: I have this in a Bulgarian collection
in my library: Bulgarian
- NOTES: [Nikita]: I am not certain that this is a genuine
podoben, since I have seen no actual references to this.
- Крестъ Твой Господи мученикомъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Thy Cross, O Lord, became for the martyrs an invincible
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Tuesday and Wednesday evening, Vespers,
Apostichon. / Pentecostarion: 7th Week, Friday evening, Vespers, Apostichon
- NOTES: [Stephen]: The Blagoveshchenskii Kondakar', a medieval
Russian chant book, lists this as an automelon. The modern books do
not so designate it, but there is a prosomion in the aposticha of
vespers of Tuesday evening in the Octoechos, so the Kondakar' is right.
- Кто ти спасе (see below: Неначаемая житія ради)
- Кто Твою, Спасе
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: It is found in the services for the fathers of councils,
including the general service.
- NOTES: "Неначаемая/Отчаянная" is the original automelon;
in the Slavonic books, "Кто ти спасе" came to be used as
the model for this podoben. The melody is essentially the same, although
in the manuscripts there are some differences in the sequence of melodic
- Неначаемая житія ради (see below: Отчаянная)
- GREEK: I apegnosmeni
- ENGLISH: Full of despair on account of her life; or: She whose
way of life; or: The desperate
- ORIGIN: Holy Wednesday Mattins, Apostichon.
- SOURCES: L'viv Irmologion
of 1709, Old Believer melody
(oral tradition)
- NOTES: In the Slavonic books, "Кто ти спасе" came
to be used as the model for this podoben. The melody is essentially
the same, although in the manuscripts there are some differences in
the sequence of melodic phrases. The melody is difficult to locate,
but some of the Southwestern Russian Podobniki provide one.
- Одесную спаса
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Menaion: September 16 and July 11 (St Euthymia),
Mattins, Lauds.
- NOTES: --
- Отчаянная – Bulgarian
- GREEK: I apegnosmeni
- SOURCES: [Nikita]: I have this in a Bulgarian collection
in my library.
- NOTES: This is an alternative version of "Неначаемая
житія ради" listed above. (See Sundays of Councils).
- Покаянія не стяжахъ
- Пророче проповеднице Христовъ
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: Menaion: June 14; July 20 (St Elias), Vespers, Apostichon
Doxastikon. / General Menaion: One prophet, Vespers, Kekragarion Doxastikon.
- NOTES: [Stephen]: The authority for listing this as an automelon
is the Blagoveshchenskii Kondakar'.
- Сей день Господень
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: This is the day of the Lord
- ORIGIN: Menaion: September 8 (Nativity of the Theotokos),
Great Vespers on the eve, Kekragrion; Matins, Lauds.
- NOTES: --
- Тридневенъ
- Тридневенъ воскреслъ еси, Христе
- Тридневнаго
- Третiи день
- Въ третіи день
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: On the third day thou didst rise, O Christ (as it is
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Sunday Matins, on the Praises. / Pentecostarion:
Sunday after Ascension, Matins, Praises.
- SOURCES: Optina Hermitage,
Solovetskii Obikhod,
Lavra (Optina Hermitage melody)
- NOTES: This should not be confused with the Sеdalen
of Tone 7, "Тридневнымъ погребенiемъ"
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
TONE 7 (Plagal of Tone 3, "Grave
- Днесь бдитъ Iюда
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Today Judas watcheth
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Sunday evening Vespers
- SOURCES: Manuscript
Irmologia (Southwestern Rus) - (NOTES)
- NOTES: [Stephen]: The melody in the Irmologia is in Great
Chant style, but in at least one manuscript is included in the Podobnik
chapter, so it appears that it was actually sung as a podoben melody.
- Не къ тому возбраняеми (Slavonic text:
Не ктому возбраняеми есми, древа животнаго, упованіемъ имуще, крестъ твой,
Господи слава тебе.)
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: We are no longer held back from the tree of life, now
that we have Thy Cross as our hope, O Lord. Glory to Thee, O Lord! (unofficial
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Tuesday and Thursday, Vespers, Apostichon.
- SOURCES: Bulgarian
- NOTES: This melody is included in some collections, but it
is not commonly known. Because its melody is almost the same as the
Small Znamenny stichera melody, most Russian communities do not bother
to learn this.
- Не къ тому пламенное
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: The fiery sword (no longer guards)
- ORIGIN: Kontakion of the third Sunday in Lent
- NOTES: --
- Нерадивше о всехъ земныхъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Despising every earthly thing, O holy martyrs
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Tuesday, Vespers / Triodion: Fridays,
Vespers, Kekragarion (actually a Martyricon sung at the Aposticha;
stichera taken from the Octoechos)
- NOTES: ?
- Подъ кровъ твой
- GREEK: ?
- ORIGIN: (See the 3rd Sunday of Lent, concluding Vespers.
This seems to refer to another text that has gone out or use in the
printed liturgical books.)
- NOTES: ?
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
TONE 8 (Plagal of Tone 4)
- Господи, аще и на судищи
- Господи, аще и судилищу
- Господи, аще и насудиши предста
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: O Lord, although Thou stoodest before the judgement
- ORIGIN: Praises of Sunday Matins; Sunday of All Saints; Saturday
of Bright Week (Matins)
- SOURCES: Bulgarian
(Byzantine) (uses same melody as Мученицы Твои, Господи)
- NOTES: Numerous sources. This a marginally standard melody
that is occasionally encountered. It is included in several collections,
but most basic collections do not provide melodies for this.
- Иже во Едеме
- Во Едеме рай
- Иже древле во Едеме въ рай
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: The Paradise of Eden
- ORIGIN: Octoechos: Wednesday and Friday Mattins, Apostichon.
/ See also Meatfare Sunday (twice: Vespers and Matins); also Friday
Vespers before Pentecost
- NOTES: Bulgarian
(Byzantine) Chant
- Мученицы Господни
- Мученицы твои, Господи
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: Thy martyrs, O Lord
- Неисчетна
- Неисчетенъ
- Безмерна есть блудно
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: I have sinned against thee countless times
- ORIGIN: Octoechos, Saturday Mattins, Apostichon / (See Sunday
evening Vespers, 2nd Sunday of Lent)
- NOTES: ?
- О дивное чудо
- GREEK: O tou paradoxou thaumatos
- ORIGIN: see Aug. 15 (Dormition)
- NOTES: [Stephen]: There are two automela that begin with
the words "O tou paradoxou thaumatos", one in Tone 1 and
the other in Tone 8. The one that occurs in Great Vespers of Dormition
is the one that belongs to Tone 1. In Slavonic, it begins "О
дивное чудо", whereas the automelon of Tone 8 begins "О
преславное чюдо" or in the Nikonian version "О преславнаго
чудесе". However, in the rubrics of prosomia these are likely
to translate in an ad hoc manner and may be hard to distinguish or
- О преславное чюдо
- О преславнаго чудесе
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: O marvellous wonder! The most holy Cross...; or: O most
glorious wonder!
- ORIGIN: Sept. 14 / Octoechos: Tuesday and Thursday Vespers,
Kekragarion. / Triodion: 5th Week, Friday Matins, Apostichon Staurotheotokion;
(also see Saturday of Bright week, Tone 4 – is this related?)
- SOURCES: Solovetskii
Obikhod, Trinity-Sergius
Lavra (Optina Hermitage melody), Bulgarian
- NOTES: Frequently encountered - Numerous sources
- Преславное
- Славную и пречистую
- Славу и честь
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: The glorious and most immaculate
- ORIGIN: See Thursday, 4th week of Lent
- NOTES: (See Sunday evening Vespers, 2nd Sunday of Lent. [Stephen]:
Well, I don't see it there. I think the Samopodoben occurs on Monday
of Cheesefare week, and the two (only) prosomia on Monday of the third
week of Lent and on Thursday of the fifth week.)
- Приидите, людие, Триипостасному Божеству поклонимся
- GREEK: ?
- SOURCES: Trinity-Sergius
Lavra (Trinity-Sergius Lavra melody)
- NOTES: [Nikita]: I have not encountered mention of this podoben
anywhere in the service books. The web site having its melody is the
only place I've found it. (The printed version is here: ПОДОБНЫ
старинных монастырских напевов.)
- Что васъ наречемъ
- Что вы наречемъ святіи
- Что тя наречемъ
- Что тя именуемъ
- GREEK: ?
- ENGLISH: What shall we call thee?
- ORIGIN: Theotokion, 1st Hour / Octoechos: Monday and Friday
Mattins, Apostichon / Triodion: 1st Week, Friday, Mattins, Apostichon.
- SOURCES: Glinsk Hermitage,
Lavra (Optina Hermitage melody and Glinsk Hermitage melody), Bulgarian
- NOTES: Numerous sources (this a standard melody that is occasionally
Solovetskii Obikhod
(1912) - the sources of these melodies have not been identified yet (awaiting
Byzantine Chant Podobny - found in "Tsrkovno-Pevcheski sbornik,
chast vtora, Obshiren Vzkresnik", edited by Petr Dinev; Sofiia, Bulgaria,
Sinodalno Knigoizdatelstvo, 1949. (Scanned from old photocopies of poor quality,
enhanced in Photoshop, but the words are still hard to read for those not already
familiar with the Slavonic text.) This collection contains melodies for all
three categories of Podoben melodies.
Lvov Irmologion of 1709
- this document contains only the Podobny of the 1709 publication.
I. Stichera Podobny
Byzantine and Balkan
Southwestern Russian
Last updated: May 21, 2006