Catalog of Prosomoia (Podobny) for Troparia, Kontakia
and Sessional Hymns in the Eight Tones
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
Description of Sessional Hymns:
- These types of hymns... (description)
- The following types of hymns may be have podoben (special melody) designations:
- Sessional Hymns (Greek: Kathismata, Slavonic: Sedalny) (including Theotokia)
- Troparia (and Theotokia)
- Kontakia (but not the Oikoi)
Mode of presentation:
- Name(s) in Slavonic (including textual variations)
- Translation of name into English
- Citations of origin: Regular text designates the Automelon/Samopodoben; italic text designates known Prosomoion/Podoben references for which there is a reference to an original, but the original has not been identified. If there only a few (but notable) occurances of the Podobny, these may be listed, but this is not meant to be a complete
- Research notes (I will try to attribute names with submitted information if someone provides significant information.)
- References to printed or manuscript sources of notated music.
- Ангельскіи силы
- Let the choir of angels wonder
- original? (The podoben of Tone 1 is actually "Ликъ ангельскіи",
a sessional of the feast of the Meeting of the Lord, which is listed
below. This should not be confused with the Sedalen podoben with the
same name "Ангельскіи силы", which is the Resurrectional Troparion
[apolytikion] of Tone 6, nor should it be confused with the sticheron
automelon of Tone 6 "Ангельскіи предидите силы".) — Does
this makes sense?
- ?
- Гавріилу провещавшую ти, дево
- While Gabriel was saying
- Theotokion of the Tone 1 Resurrection troparion. (This is a surrogate
automelon (it is not the only one) for "Камени запечатану",
the Resurrectional Troparion [apolytikion] of Tone 1, which is also
an automelon and is listed below. It is not only a metrical imitation
[in Greek] of "Камени запечатану", but also a literary imitation:
Compare the last phrases, "Glory to thy Resurrection, O Christ;
glory to thy Kingdom; glory to thy dispensation, O only lover of mankind"
and "Glory to him who dwelt in thee; glory to him who came forth
from thee; glory to him who through thy giving birth hath set us free.")
- ?
- Гробъ твой Спасе
- The soldiers standing guard
- from Holy Friday and Matins of Holy Saturday; also: 1st Sedalen on
the 1st Kathisma reading at Matins, Sunday, Tone 1
- Bulgarian
- Егда пріидеши во славе
- When thou comest, O God, upon the earth with glory
- Kontakion of Last Judgment (Meatfare) Sunday; the Resurrectional Kontakion
of Tone 1 is sung to this podoben.
- ?
- Камени знаменану
- Камени запечатану
- Although the stone was sealed
- Troparion for Sunday; 2nd Sedalen on the 1st Kathisma reading at Matins,
Exaltation of the Cross, Sept. 14
- ?
- Ликъ ангельскіи
- Объятія отча отвертси ми
- ?
- Stephen writes: In the Octoechos, a Sessional of Mondays and Tuesdays.
The Kontakion of 10 January (St Gregory of Nyssa) is a prosomion. However,
this has the same metrical structure (in Greek) as "Ликъ ангельскіи",
except for a much longer concluding phrase, and I have one book that
lists it a prosomion of "Гроб твой". The Uspenskii Kondakar'
regards it as an automelon.
- ?
- Отчаяніе Ниневитское
- The Ninevite despair
- Sessional of Tuesday in the Octoechos. There is a prosomion on Wednesday
of the fourth week of Lent.
- ?
- Пустыныи жительство телеси Ангел
- Citizen of the desert and angel in the flesh
- 29 September (St Cyriac the Anchorite), troparion. One of the troparia
of Great Martyr Eustathius (20 September) is among the prosomia. However,
this is another surrogate automelon for "Камени запечатану"
(or is it the other way around?).
- ?
- Утробу девичу освятивъ
- Иже утробу девичу освятивъ
- Утробу девичю освяти
- Thou hast sanctified a virgin womb
- Kontakion of 2 February, Meeting of the Lord. (The Kontakion theotokion
of the Fourth Sunday in Lent is possibly among the prosomia.) It is
classified as an automelon in the Uspenskii Kondakar'.
- ?
- ???
- The Three Most Great Luminaries
- Troparion of Ss. Basil, Gregory & John Chrysostom, Jan 30 (Stephen
writes: This is one of two troparia for this feast; the other, "As
equal to the Apostles," is assigned to tone 4. I haven't found
"The three most great luminaries," as an automelon, although
that does not mean it isn't. Nikita writes: I have no idea where
I got this information. The Slavonic books only give the Tone 4 Troparion
which you mentioned. It's possible that this is a Greek text, but this
needs some verification.)
- ?
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
- Архистатиже Боже
- Chief general of God
- Kontakion of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael (6 September)
- ?
- Благодать пріемша исцеленіемъ
- Благодать пріемши
- Благодать пріемше
- Благодать пріемъ
- Иже благодать пріемша
- Ye have received the grace of healing
- The Kontakion of the feasts of Ss Cosmas and Damian on 1 November
and 1 May. There is a podoben on 7 November (St Matrona).
- ?
- Благообразный Іосифъ
- Noble Joseph
- see Wednesday of the 1st week of Lent, Holy Friday Vespers (Troparion)
and Holy Saturday Matins (Troparion)
- ?
- Божественнаго естества
- Божественнаго быхомъ
- We have become partakers of the divine nature
- It is a sessional theotokion on Thursday in the Octoechos and on Thursday
of Myrrhbearers' Week. (see Tuesday of the 1st week of Lent?)
- ?
- Велія твоя девьственниче
- Thy great deeds, O virgin
- May 6
- ?
- Во плоте Ангелъ
- ?
- Kontakion of St Anthony (17 January); several prosomial in January.
- ?
- Воскресе отъ гроба
- Воскреслъ еси отъ гроба
- Rising from the tomb
- It is a sessional for Wednesday of Myrrhbearers' Week, with a prosomion
on Wednesday of the 3rd week of Lent. (Kontakion of the Resurrection?)
(see also Tone 8, where there is some confusion of names)
- ?
- Въ молитвахъ
- Во молитвахъ
- Over the Theotokos, unsleeping in her prayers, neither the tomb nor
death had power
- Kontakion for Aug. 15 (Dormition); see also the Kontakion for Aug.
16; there are prosomia on 15 October, 10 April, etc. (Is this Tone
2 or Tone 6?)
- ?
- Вышнихъ ища
- Вышнихъ ищя
- Вышнихъ ищай
- Thou soughtest the heights (Seeking the highest)
- Sept. 1, kontakion for St. Simeon the Stylite; It can be found in
Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Great Horologion on page 240.
(Stephen writes: In Western Rus' it shared the short form of the melody
for "Noble Joseph"; I don't know about the long form—at least
I have never seen it with "Thou soughtest the heights.")
- Music can be found in Basil Kazan's Byzantine Music Project: Menaion.
- Егда снизшелъ еси
- When thou didst go down to death
- Sunday Troparion
- ?
- Животворящіи крестъ
- Thy life-giving Cross do we offer to thee
- see Wednesday of the 1st week of Lent
- ?
- Камене гробъ
- Камень гробный
- Камени гробному
- Not having hindered the stone of the tomb from being sealed
- Pentecostarion: Sunday of Myrrhbearers, Monday, Friday, and Saturday
of the 3rd Week (Myrrhbearers), Mattins, after 1st Stichology, Sessional.
- ?
- Кровей твоихъ струями, Димитріе
- The streams of thy blood, O Demetrius
- Kontakion of St Demetrius (26 October); there is a prosomion on Wednesday
of the first week of Lent, after the third stichology.
- ?
- Милосердія сущи источникъ
- Благоутробія сущи источникъ
- Being the fountain of mercy
- In the Octoechos, it is a sessional of Monday Mattins (see Monday
and Wednesday of the 1st week of Lent; Lenten Sixth Hour)
- ?
- Мироносицамъ женамъ
- To the Myrrhbearing Women (The angel stood by the tomb and cried to
the women bearing ointment)
- Octoechos: Sunday Mattins, after 1st stichology, sessional. (Is this
the real automelon, and "Noble Joseph" its prosomion?)
- ?
- Подвиги во страданіи
- Thou didst struggle in suffering
- The Kontakion of St Euthymius (11 July); the Kontakion of the Conception
of St John the Forerunner is supposed to be a prosomion, although at
least the Greek books currently in use assign this rather to "Рукописаннаго".
"Подвиги" called a samopodoben in the Uspenskii Kondakar'.
- ?
- Пречистому ти образу
- Пречистому твоему образу
- We venerate thy most pure icon [image]
- In the Octoechos, sessional of Friday Mattins; also Friday of Myrrhbearers'
Week (see Monday of the 1st week of Lent; Lenten Sixth Hour; also 1st
Sunday of Lent)
- ?
- Преблагословенна еси
- Most glorified art thou, O Virgin Theotokos
- A Sessional Theotokion of Sunday Mattins in the Octoechos, also on
Myrrhbearers' Sunday. (see Tuesday of the 1st week of Lent)
- ?
- Пророче Божіи и предтече
- O Prophet of God and Forerunner of Grace
- Kontakion of the Findings of the Head of John the Baptist (24 February
and 25 May); prosomion on Forefeast of Theophany (5 January); but it
looks like a surrogate for "Вышнихъ ища".
- ?
- Пророче и провидче великихъ дель
- Prophet and seer of the mighty works
- Kontakion of St Elijah (20 July), prosomion on 18 November (St Plato)
- ?
- Радоватися мироносицамъ
- When thou didst cry: Rejoice! Unto the Myrrhbearers
- Kontakion of the Sunday of the Myrrhbearers
- ?
- Рукописаннаго
- An image made with hands thou wouldest not worship
- Is this Tone 2 or Tone 6? Kontakion of the Sunday of the Forefathers
and of the Sunday before Nativity; there is a prosomion on 11 October.
- ?
- Твердыя и благовещанныя
- Твердыя и боговещанныя
- These steadfast and divinely-inspired preachers
- Kontakion, June 29 (Ss. Peter and Paul)
- ?
- Умудривыи паче
- Иже умудривый ловцы паче риторвъ
- O thou who didst make the fishermen wiser than the rhetoricians
- It's a sessional after the first stichology on Thursday in the Octoechos
and in Myrrhbearers' Week. (see Thursday of the 1st week of Lent)
- ?
- Яко явися
- ?
- ? Stephen writes: I think this is a sticheron. In any case, it is
one of the few cases in which the automelon has fallen into desuetude
and can be found only in manuscripts.
- ?
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
- Божіи вере
- Божественныя веры
- By the confession of a divine faith (Thy Confession)
- Troparion for St. Paul the Confessor of Constantinople, Nov. 6; see
also the 1st Saturday in Lent (the three sessionals after the second stichology
are prosomia of this automelon [not noted in the Bp Kallistos and Mother
Mary Triodion, p. 283; their translations regularly ignore special melodies
for troparia, as well as many for stichera])
- Bulgarian
- Въ Мирех, святе
- In Myra, O Saint Nicholas, thou wast a faithful minister of God
- 6 December, Kontakion of St Nicholas
This is cited (in rubrics) as an automelon in Old-Rite books. However,
it appears to be a surrogate automelon for "Дева днесь".
- ?
- Да веселятся
- ?
- The Resurrectional Troparion of Tone 3. In the Bulgarian Chant, this
appears with either of two "Great Chant" melodies: "Дева
днесь" or "Красоте девьства".
- ?
- Девая днесь
- Дева днесь
- Дева днесь пребогатаго ражаетъ
- Дева владычица
- Today the Virgin (On this day the Virgin)
- Kontakion for Dec. 25; It can be found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's
Great Horologion on page 358.
- Music can be found in Basil Kazan's Byzantine Music Project: Menaion.
- Красоте девьства твоего
- Девьства красоте
- Awed by the beauty of thy virginity
- Theotokion on the 1st Sedalen at Sunday Matins; the 4th Sunday after
Pascha; It is also sung at other times, including at the end of small
Compline with the Akathist Hymn during Fridays of the Great Lent. The
text can be found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Pentecostarion
on page 162.
- The music can be found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Selected
Byzantine Hymns book and the service book for the Antiochian Village
Camp. Bulgarian
- Крестообразно
- ?
- Is this perhaps the sticheron automelon _Krestoiavlenno Moisei_? Where
is the reference found?
- ?
- Поносную щедре смерте
- ?
- ? Where is the reference found?
- ?
- Пріидите вси въ кимвалехъ
- ?
- ? Where is the reference found?
- ?
- Явися днесь
- Явился еси днесь
- ?
- Kontakion, Nativity of Theophany, Jan. 6. This should be assigned to
Tone 4, where it is a frequently found melody. (There are some instances
of podobny being [wrongly] assigned to Tone 2.)
- Bulgarian
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
Tone 4
- Воззревша на гробный входъ
- ?
- Octoechos: Sunday, Sessional Hymn after the First Kathisma
- ?
Вознесыися на крестъ волею
- Thou Who was raised up (O Thou Who wast raised up; O Thou Who wast lifted
up; Do Thou, Who of Thine Own good will)
- Kontakion for Exaltation of the Cross, Sept. 14; also for Aug. 1; It
can be found in the Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Great Horologion
on page 250. It is also read at the beginning of almost every Orthros
service after the troparion of the Holy Cross. Music can be found in Basil
Kazan's Byzantine Music Project: Menaion.
- Bulgarian
- Днесь спасенія нашего
- Today is the crown of our salvation
- The troparion of Annunciation and an obscure automelon (Foliieri lists
a few prosomia but none in the standard liturgical books.)
- ?
- Еже отъ века утаеное
- Hidden from the ages
- The Resurrectional apolytikion theotokion, and a sessional Theotokion
of Saturdays; it is also the sessional theotokion after the first stichology
of Mattins on Saturdays in the Triodion, and there it is designated an
- ?
- Иже во всемъ мира мученикъ твоихъ
- Иже во всемъ мире мученикъ твоихъ
- ?
- A sessional after the first stichology of Mattins on Saturdays in the
Octoechos and the Triodion. It is referred to as an automelon in some
books, and as a prosomion of "Скоро предвари" in others.
- ?
- Iоакимъ и Анна поношенія безчадства
- Joachim and Anna were set free from the reproach of childlessness (In
the Bishop Kallistos and Mother Mary Festal Menaion, "O Undefiled,
by thy Nativity Joachim and Ann were set free...")
- The Kontakion of the Nativity of the Theotokos; it is designated an
automelon in the Horologion, but may be a surrogate for "Joseph was
- ?
- Ликъ ангельскіи ?
- ?
- ? (Is this a valid podoben for Tone 4, or is it borrowed from Tone 1?)
- ?
- Мученицы твои, Господи
- Thy martyrs, O Lord
- A sessional of Mattins on Saturdays, this is another surrogate automelon
for "Скоро предвари".
- ?
- Посланъ бысть
- Gabriel was sent to the pure Virgin
- Annunciation, Mattins, Sessional after second Stichology. While this
is sometimes designated an automelon, it is a literary as well as a metrical
contrafact of "Joseph was amazed," and should be regarded as
a surrogate automelon.
- ?
- Правило веры
- ?
- The Troparion of St John the Faster on 2 September (a different one
from that which appears in the Walsingham troparion book and the Menologion
computer program) is cited as the model for several troparia in the Greek
Menaia. However, it seems to be yet another surrogate for "Joseph
was amazed."
- ?
- Рожество твое, Христе Боже нашъ
- Thy Nativity, O Christ our God
- The familiar Troparion of the Nativity is listed by Follieri as an automelon,
although there appear to be no prosomia in the printed liturgical books.
- ?
- Светлую воскресенія проповедъ
- ?
- The Resurrectional troparion of the tone. The Horologion designates
this an automelon.
- ?
- Скоро предвари
- Скоро вари
- Be quick to anticipate
- It occurs both in the Octoechos and in the Triodion as a sessional at
Mattins on Wednesdays.
- ?
- Удивися Іосифъ
- Joseph was amazed (Mother Mary's Octoechos disguises this automelon
as "The sight past nature of thy conceiving without seed, O Theotokos,
struck Joseph with wonder.")
- 3rd Sedalen on the 1st Kathisma reading at Sunday Matins; also the theotokion
of the second sessional hymn (kathisma) of the Sunday of the Samaritan
Woman (the 5th Sunday after Pascha). It can be found in Holy Transfiguration
Monastery's Pentecostarion on page 224.
- Bulgarian
- Явися днесь (великіи предьтеча)
- Явился еси днесь
- Today Thou hast appeared (On this day Thou hast appeared)
- Kontakion for Jan.6, Theophany
It can be found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Great Horologion
on page 374.
There are some instances of this podeben (wrongly) being assigned to Tone
- Music can be found in Basil Kazan's Byzantine Music Project: Menaion.
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
Tone 5
(Plagal of Tone 1)
- Господи, чашю страсти Твоея
- Господи, чашу муки
- Zealously striving after the cup of thy Passion, O Lord (HTM Pentecostarion,
p. 292.)
- Octoechos: Wednesday, Mattins, after 2nd Stichology, Sessional; Pentecostarion:
6th Week, Monday (see Tuesday, 1st week of Lent)
- ?
- Крестъ Господень похвалимъ
- ?
- Octoechos: Sunday Matins - Sessional Hymn after the First Kathisma
- ?
- Подобник сый Милостивому
- Thou didst imitate the Merciful One
- Great Martyr Panteleimon (27 July), Kontakion. According to several
old sources, the Resurrectional Kontakion of the tone, "Unto Hades
didst thou descend," is a podoben of this Kontakion.
- ?
- Покой, Спасе
- ?
- Service for the Departed (Octoechos, Euchologion)
- ?
- Святейшю херувимъ, и ввышу
- Святейшая херувимъ
- ?
- In the Octoechos, it is the sessional theotokion after the second stichology
of Mattins of Monday. ("Светлейшю добродетелей", a sessional
after the 3rd stichology of Mattins on Thursday of the first week of Lent,
is the only prosomion now in use). Seaa also Tuesday, the 1st week of
- ?
- Сіяетъ днесь
- Today the memory of the prizewinner shineth forth (HTM Pentecostarion,
p. 296)
- Octoechos: Monday and Friday, Mattins, after 2nd Stichology, Sessional;
Pentecostarion: Tuesday of the Blind Man, after 1st Stichology, Sessional.
Triodion (where?)
- ?
- Собезначальное слово
- Let us worship the Word
- Sunday Troparion
- ?
- Странное
- The strange mystery of the Virgin
- Tuesdays, Mattins, after 1st Stichology, Sessional Theotokion. Triodion
- ?
- Судіи седящу
- Судіи седящему
- ?
- Octoechos: Monday: Mattins, after 1st Stichology, Sessional.
- ?
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
Tone 6
(Plagal of Tone 2)
- Ангельскія силы
- ?
- Sunday Troparion (This should not be confused with the Sedalen podoben
with the same name "Ангельскія силы" in Tone 1. There is also
a sticheron podoben with a similar name: "Ангельскія предидите
силы"; the names are simlar enough to cause some confusion)
- ?
- Господи помилй насъ, на тя бо
- Lord, have mercy on us, for on thee
- Octoechos: Monday, Mattins, after 2nd Stichology, Sessional
- ?
- Господи предстоящи
- Господи предстояще гробу твоему
- Господи гробъ твой (Not to be confused with the Tone 6 sticheron
podoben "Господи на гробъ")
- O Lord, Mary Magdalene stood by thy tomb
- 2nd Sedalen on the 1st Kathisma reading at Sunday Matins
- ?
- Гробу отверсту
- The tomb open and hell lamenting
- Octoechos: Sunday, Mattins, after 1st Stichology, Sessional
Note: This is a prosomion of "Господи предстоящи" that sometimes
serves as surrogate automelon.
- ?
- Днесь пророческое исполнися слово
- Today the prophetic word is fulfilled
- Octoechos: Wednesday and Friday, Mattins, after 2nd Stichology, Sessional.
Triodion: 4th Week, Wednesday, Mattins, after 3rd Ode, Sessional.
- ?
- Душе моя, душе моя
- O my soul, O my soul, rise up
- (Proem of Kontakion of Romanos On the Crucifixion) Triodion: 5th Week,
Thursday (of the Great Canon), Kontakion. (The Greek Triodion and Horologion
published by Apostolike Diakonia designate this as an automelon.)
- ?
- Еже отъ насъ
- Еже отъ насъ совершивъ
- Еже отъ насъ исполнивъ
- Having accomplished for us
- Kontakion for the Ascenscion
- ?
- Милосердія двери
- Open to us the doors of mercy, O blessed Theotokos
- Octoechos: Thursday, Mattins, after 1st Stichology, Sessional Theotokion
- ?
- Плотскаго ти пришествія
- At the sight of thy presence in the flesh Jordan turned back
- (Proem of Second Kontakion by Romanos on the Theophany.)
Menaion: January 7 (Synaxis of St John the Forerunner), Kontakion. The
Kontakion of St Meletios of Antioch (12 February) is a podoben of this.
- ?
- Помилуй насъ, Господи, помилуй насъ
- Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us
- Octoechos: Monday, Mattins, after 2nd Stichology, Sessional.
A podoben of "Господи помилй насъ, на тя бо", sometimes appearing
as a surrogate automelon.
- ?
- Предстательство христіянъ непостыдное
- Заступнице xристіаномъ непосрамная
- O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame
- This is the familiar Kontakion of the Supplicatory Canon to the Theotokos.
- Bulgarian
- Премудрости наставниче
- O guide to wisdom
- Triodion: Cheese-Fare Sunday, Kontakion.
The sessional after the 3rd Ode of the Canon of Mattins of St Maro the
Wonderworker (14 February) , "Прогонитель бесомъ явися", is
a prosomion. (This is an example of an obscure and often-missed automelon;
but I have found the reference at 14 February in an Old-Rite Menaion,
and the Greek Triodion published by Apostolike Diakonia does designate
it an automelon. We will no doubt discover more such cases.)
- ?
- Упованіе (Упованіе миру)
- Упование мира благая
- Надежда мира благая
- Thou art the good hope of the world, O Virgin Theotokos
- Octoechos: Tuesday Mattins, after 2nd Stichology, Sessional. Triodion:
Sunday of the Last Judgement, Mattins, after Ode 3, Sessional Theotokion.
- ?
- На престолъ на небеси
- Seated in heaven upon the throne
- Triodion: Palm Sunday, Kontakion.
- ?
- Одесную
- ?
- ? (Where is the reference?)
- ?
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
Tone 7
(Plagal of Tone 3, "Grave Tone")
- Господи мы есмы людіе твои
- O Lord, we are thy people
- Prosomia: Triodion: 4th Week of Lent, Thursday, Mattins, after 3rd Stichology,
Sessional 5th Week, Monday, Mattins, after 3rd Stichology, Sessional,
(See also Octoechos: Tuesday, Mattins, after 3rd Stichology, Sessional:
I believe that this is also a prosomion, although I haven't yet found
it so designated.)
- ?
- Запечатану гробу
- ?
- Octoechos: Sunday Matins - the Sessional Hymn after the First Kathisma
- ?
- Иже мене ради претерпевый
- ?
- Octoechos: Wednesday and Friday Mattins, after 1st Stichology, Sessional.
There are two prosomia in the Octoechos: Midnight Hour of Sunday, after
Ode 3, the sessional and sessional theotokion.
- ?
- На гору преобразися
- On the mount thou wast transfigured
- Kontation of Transfiguration, 6 August
- ?
- Не ктому пламенное
- Не уже пламенное
- No longer doth the fiery sword
- (Proem of Kontakion of Romanos on The Victory of the Cross.) Triodion:
Sunday of the Cross, Kontakion. Prosomion: Octoechos: Resurrectional Kontakion
- ?
- Огня стевлейши
- Brightest fire of a most brilliant light
- Octoechos: Sunday Midnight Office, after Ode 6, Sessional Theotokion;
Wednesday and Friday Mattins, after 2nd Stichology, Sessional. Prosomion:
Octoechos: Sunday Midnight Office, Canon, after Ode 6, sessional.
- ?
- Плод чрева твоего
- The fruit of thy womb
- Octoechos: Thursday, Mattins, after 1st Stichology, Sessional Theotokion;
Compline, after Ode 6, Sessional. There are prosomia in the Octoechos,
among the sessional after the stichologies of Mattins on Thursday.
- ?
- Преподобніи твои
- ?
- ? Where is the reference?
- ?
TONES 1 - 2 - 3
- 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
- 8
Tone 8
(Plagal of Tone 4)
- Ангелъ предстатель
- ?
- Triodion: 5th Week of Lent, Saturday, Oikos (see also the Oikos for
the 2nd Sunday of Lent); Menaion: March 25 (Annunciation), Oikos. (Sometimes
cited in place of its proem, "Возбранное воеводе", it is the
model for all the similar texts in akathists with the twelve "Rejoices"
and final "Rejoice, unwedded Bride." It is a rare example of
an ikos that is still sung and not just read.)
- ?
- Взбранной
- Возбранное воеводе
- To Thee, the Champion Leader
- Kontakion, March 25 (Annunciation), and Akathist to the Theotokos
- Bulgarian
(Byzantine) (also has melodies for the refrains of the Akathist)
- Воскресъ отъ гроба
- Воскреслъ еси отъ гроба
- Воскресе отъ мертвыхъ
- Воскреслъ еси отъ мертвыхъ
- The Life of all is risen from the dead
- 1st Sedalen on the 1st Kathisma reading, Sunday Matins. (There seems
to be some confusion of text here; see Tone 2. This needs to be resolved.)
- ?
- Не поколеблема
- Не поколебимое утвержденіе
- Недвижимое утвержденіе
- O ye faithful, let us magnify in hymns the Theotokos, unshakable foundation
of the faith
- Octoechos: Tuesday, Mattins, after 1st Stichology, Sessional. Triodion:
4th Week, Tuesday, Mattins, after 2nd Stichology, Sessional Theotokion.
- ?
- Пастырскіи сопль
- ?
- ? (Another name for "Свирелей пастырскихъ"; [see below]. This
is the sort of thing that happens when the translator has only the first
couple of words of the text and not enough context to know what they mean.)
- ?
- Повеленное тайньство пріемъ
- Повеленное тайно
- When the bodiless one; When he learned of the secret command
- Octoechos: Monday Mattins, after 1st (Slavonic) or 3rd (Greek) Stichology,
Sessional. Menaion: Exaltation of the Cross, Sept. 14; Apolytikion of
the Annunciation, March 25 & Saturday of Akathist Hymn (5th week of
Lent). The text can be found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Great
Horologion on page 607.
- Music can be found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Selected Byzantine
Hymns book. Bulgarian
- Премудрость и слово
- Премудрости слова
- By conceiving the wisdom
- Triodion: Cheese-Fare Week, Tuesday Mattins, after 1st Stichology, Sessional.
Menaion: September 26 (Repose of St. John the Evangelist), Mattins, after
1st Stichology, Sessional theotokion.
- Bulgarian
- Премудрости наперсти
- ?
- Menaion: May 8 (St John the Theologian), Mattins, after 3rd Ode of Canon,
Sessional. (See also Dec. 1; Saturday, 1st week of Lent; Friday of Bright
Week). This is a prosomion of "Премудрость и слово", but often
serves as a surrogate automelon, and in the irmologia of Western Rus'
the melody is usually given with this text or with "Возлегъ на перси"
(May 8, Evangelist John, Mattins, after 1st stichology, sessional), or
- ?
- Свирелей пастырскихъ
- ?
- (Another name for "Пастырскіи сопль"; see above.) 2nd Sedalen
on the 2nd Kathisma reading at matins; Forefeast of the Nativity, Dec.
24; see also Cheesefare Saturday and the Sunday of the Holy Forefathers
- ?
- Юница нескверная
- Юнца зрящи
- ?
- ? (Where is the reference?)
- ?
- Яко въ раи добродетелей
- ?
- ? (Where is the reference?)
- ?
- Яко начатки естества
- As to creation's Planter (Unto Thee, the Lord and Author of creation;
As First-fruits of our nature)
- Kontakion, Sunday of All Saints; Lenten First Hour; the text can be
found in Holy Transfiguration Monastery's Pentecostarion on page
- ?
II. Troparia, Sedalny and Kontakia Podobny
Byzantine and Balkan
Southwestern Russian