PSALOM Traditional Eastern Orthodox Chant Documentation Project |
Hymnography: Traditional Chant Genres |
1. Psalmodic or Stichologic GenreREPERTOIRES (Scores) – SOURCES (printed & manuscript) Introduction This melodic genre is performed responsorially, as a liturgical dialogue between a single person (a reader whose appointed duty it is to read psalms, who is traditionally given the title of "Psalmist") and a group of singers (choirs or congregation). The pattern of performance is similar for all the psalms in this genre: the reader concludes various portions of the psalms by lifting up his voice, and the chanters repeat the final phrase and add a refrain. Depending on the tradition, the melodies for this genre are sung either according to the 8 Tones (in the Byzantine tradition), or they are sung according to common or composed melodies which have no basis in the 8-Tone system (the majority of Slavic traditions). The repertoire includes (but is not limited to):
Note that the psalmody sung during the Divine Liturgy is not sung according to the performance principles of this genre, so in these cases the Psalms are classified differently (mostly under the Anomalistic Genre, unless sung with melodies from another genre). 1) Byzantine Chant Tradition (etc.):
2) Great Russian Znamenny Tradition (pre-Nikonian tradition):
3) Southwestern Russian Chant Traditions:
4) Modern Great Russian Chant Traditions: